Myntra recently launched the first edition of the report ‘Myntra Trend Index’ which aims to summarize some of the most prominent fashion trends observed in the country. According to the report, in the last 12 months, he has added 75 million users to his Myntra family, of which 65% were from outside metropolitan areas in his fourth quarter of fiscal 2024.
The number of monthly active users on the platform reached 60 million at its peak, with 6 million customers accessing the platform an average of 30 times each month.
Talking color etc.
“Men are attracted to shades such as white, grey, teal and olive, while female shoppers are drawn to the dreamy appeal of pastel colors such as beige, peach and lavender. Classic black and blue continue to be popular, with Gen Z men’s top colors ranging from charcoal black, ash gray, peach, rusty orange to lilac, and Gen Z women’s favorite color palette. It is composed of metallic silver, pink, red, lavender, and neutral tones with lavender hues,” the report states.
According to the report, “Women’s traditional attire has been given a modern makeover as monochromatic lehengas and metallic sarees steal the spotlight. But wait, there’s more drama in this desi fashion saga! Into Bollywood The inspired look is adding a pop of color to wardrobes everywhere, and the demand for ombre sarees soars by a whopping 12 times during the festive season.
Talking about the cities, the report said, “Pune made quite an impression with its pronounced penchant for T-shirts, significantly outselling Chennai!” When it comes to the ‘capital of dresses’, Bengaluru, whose streets are changing, is by far the best. became the winner. Bengaluru’s fashion prowess extends beyond dresses, as the demand for T-shirts soared, surpassing Chennai and Gurgaon, as evidenced by the purchase of more shirts than in Mumbai, Chennai and Ahmedabad combined. With Chennai leading by a wide margin in the kurta set, the stakes on style have never been higher, with every city resembling a dynamic fashion arena for triumph. ”
Commenting on the first edition of the Myntra Trend Index, Sharon Pais, Chief Business Officer of Myntra, said, The Myntra Trend Index captures some of the hottest consumer trends across fashion, beauty, personal care and lifestyle. He said he was shining a light on it. India segment. ”
The number of monthly active users on the platform reached 60 million at its peak, with 6 million customers accessing the platform an average of 30 times each month.
Talking color etc.
“Men are attracted to shades such as white, grey, teal and olive, while female shoppers are drawn to the dreamy appeal of pastel colors such as beige, peach and lavender. Classic black and blue continue to be popular, with Gen Z men’s top colors ranging from charcoal black, ash gray, peach, rusty orange to lilac, and Gen Z women’s favorite color palette. It is composed of metallic silver, pink, red, lavender, and neutral tones with lavender hues,” the report states.
According to the report, “Women’s traditional attire has been given a modern makeover as monochromatic lehengas and metallic sarees steal the spotlight. But wait, there’s more drama in this desi fashion saga! Into Bollywood The inspired look is adding a pop of color to wardrobes everywhere, and the demand for ombre sarees soars by a whopping 12 times during the festive season.
Talking about the cities, the report said, “Pune made quite an impression with its pronounced penchant for T-shirts, significantly outselling Chennai!” When it comes to the ‘capital of dresses’, Bengaluru, whose streets are changing, is by far the best. became the winner. Bengaluru’s fashion prowess extends beyond dresses, as the demand for T-shirts soared, surpassing Chennai and Gurgaon, as evidenced by the purchase of more shirts than in Mumbai, Chennai and Ahmedabad combined. With Chennai leading by a wide margin in the kurta set, the stakes on style have never been higher, with every city resembling a dynamic fashion arena for triumph. ”
Commenting on the first edition of the Myntra Trend Index, Sharon Pais, Chief Business Officer of Myntra, said, The Myntra Trend Index captures some of the hottest consumer trends across fashion, beauty, personal care and lifestyle. He said he was shining a light on it. India segment. ”