Karnal is a Lok Sabha constituency in Haryana, comprising nine assembly segments and designated as a general seat. Mr Karnal’s next election will be held on May 25 during the sixth phase of the 2024 elections, with the results expected to be announced on June 4. The main candidates for Karnal are the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Indian National Congress (INC).
What you need to know about Karnal Lok Sabha elections (representative image)
Karnal: Karnal is one of the constituencies in Haryana’s Lok Sabha. He has 10 seats in the state. The Karnal seat comprises nine assembly segments including Nilocheri (sc), Indri, Karnal, Garounda, Assand, Panipatural, Panipat City, Israna (sc) and Samalha. The constituency is an ordinary seat. Voting in Karnal constituency is scheduled for May 25 during the sixth phase of elections.
The current estimated population of Karnal city in 2024 is 405,000 and in the education sector, the total literate population of Karnal city is 215,199, of which 118,533 are male and 96,666 female.
Karnal Lok Sabha elections voting day
The upcoming elections in Karnal will be phase 6 May 25th.
Karnal Lok Sabha Election Results Day
The counting of votes and declaration of results for the 2024 Karnal Lok Sabha constituency elections is scheduled for June 4.
In the election battleground of Karnal, the Indian People’s Congress (BJP) and the Indian National Congress (INC) have joined as the frontrunners. The main candidates are-
Some political parties announce their candidate lists before the polls are released, while others announce their candidates as the election progresses through the stages.
EVM Women Voters – 591424
Karnal constituency previous Lok Sabha election results: 2019
In the 2019 Karnal elections, Sanjay Bhatia of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won 9,11,594 votes, securing a huge lead of 6,56,142 votes and an overwhelming vote share of 70.08%. surfaced. Kuldip Sharma of the Indian National Congress (INC) was the runner-up with 2,55,452 votes and 19.64% vote share.
Karnal constituency Last Lok Sabha election results: 2014
In the 2014 Karnal elections, Ashwini Kumar of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won with 5,94,817 votes, securing a lead of 3,60,147 votes and a huge vote share of 45.73%. Arvind Kumar Sharma of the Indian National Congress (INC) was the runner-up with 2,34,670 votes and 18.04% vote share.
2019 parliamentary election results
In the 2019 Karnal Assembly elections, Manohar Lal of the BJP received 79,906 votes, securing a huge lead of 45,188 votes and an overwhelming vote share of 63.72%. INC’s Tarlochan Singh was the runner-up with his 34,718 votes and 27.68% vote share.
India’s Lok Sabha elections will begin on April 19 and will be held in seven phases. The Election Commission will announce the results on June 4th.