Shimla: Actor Kangana Ranaut, the first Bollywood celebrity to contest the Lok Sabha elections from Himachal Pradesh, has kept a distance from the media during the campaign but has welcomed ordinary voters. They have welcomed ordinary voters, sometimes dancing together and communicating in dialect. You are obligated to respond to their selfie requests.
She has so far focused on small gatherings and road shows, where people might first try to catch a glimpse of her up close and then fall in love with the “Queen” star.
As it is the first time that a celebrity is contesting elections in Himachal Pradesh, selfies and group pictures with the actor, who has been fielded by the Bharatiya Janata Party from the Mandi Lok Sabha seat, are going viral.
Videos of Ranaut, who hails from Mandi, dancing with local women and cleaning temple grounds during campaigning went viral. To build her instant connection, she frequently interacts with prospective voters in their dialect and emphasizes that she is Mandy’s daughter.
Ranaut, who is known for speaking unfiltered, has given interviews to the media, but has yet to offer a question-and-answer exchange.
According to BJP leaders, a typical campaign day for her begins with paying homage at the temple of a local deity. She focuses on women voters and young people, who make up about 49 percent of the state’s total electorate.
She said she would ensure that women and men are “equality in all areas.”
Even before joining the party, Ms. Ranaut had frequently expressed her views in favor of the Bharatiya Janata Party, and was supported by Mr. Mundi, criticizing Congress leaders for their alleged anti-women remarks and comments ridiculing dynastic politics.
At a recent poll rally in Manali, which falls under the Mandi Assembly seat, Mr. Ranaut said there is one ‘Bada Papu’ in Delhi and one ‘Chhota Papu’ here, and Congress leader Rahul indirectly attacked Gandhi and Vikramaditya Singh.
Himachal Pradesh Public Works Minister Vikramaditya Singh, a scion of the erstwhile Rampur Real Estate, is her challenger from the Mandi Assembly seat. He is the son of the late six-time chief minister Virbhadra Singh and current state Congress president Pratibha Singh.
Ranaut often uses the word ‘Shehzada’ to attack Vikramaditya Singh and attacks him by repeatedly claiming that unlike her, she is not in politics because of her father and mother. are doing.
She said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the ‘Anshu’ of Lord Ram and Lord Vishnu and claimed that he works like the people’s postman and brings people’s problems and problems to New Delhi.
But like Mahesh, a senior citizen from Sundarnagar, Ranaut’s personal attacks and derogatory remarks about rivals, even if cheered by the crowd, are not well received by voters in Himachal Pradesh. Some people feel that they may not be able to do so.
“Such types of politics and derogatory remarks do not resonate with the people of Deb Bhoomi Himachal,” Mahesh said.
Mandi Assembly seats consist of 17 seats, of which 8 seats are reserved for Schedule Tribes and Schedule Castes.
These seats include the three tribal council constituencies of Chamba district – Kinnaur, Lahaul, Spiti and Barmor. All four assembly areas of Kullu district – Kullu, Manali, Banjar and Anni. Nine assembly constituencies in Mandi district – Sundernagar, Baru, Mandi, Dharan, Jogindernagar, Nachan, Seraj, Kalsog and Sarkaghat. and Rampur in Shimla district.
issued May 5, 2024, 12:29 IST