It always makes me laugh when I find out that new “trends” are actually just repackaged versions of ancient traditions. You may not be familiar with the term, but “low dogs” on airplanes are becoming more and more popular (ignoring all distractions, including in-flight entertainment and in-flight food and drink). In other words, the kind of meditation and mindfulness that monks have been doing for hundreds of years to stay focused still works today.
Rough handling on airplanes is becoming an epidemic
“Rawdogging” or “‘barebacking'” is not a sexual position during intercourse, at least in this context, but a new trend in flights that may involve “barebacking” as follows:
- food
- drink
- IFE Screen
- talk
- Move
Basically, you just get on the plane, sit down, and concentrate. Turning on the in-flight map is fine, but movies and music are a no-no.
This is a new trend on TikTok, the source of all our inspiration… #sarcasm
But seriously, this practice is nothing new or modern. It’s what monks and nuns do, it’s what people of Eastern and Western faiths have done for thousands of years to purify their minds, and it still works. If you eliminate distractions (a friend of mine calls it “removing all rush from your life”), you can think about what’s most important and contemplate your place in the world, which is always a useful endeavor.
I’m no mystic, nor am I some “no raw food” guy on a flight trying to achieve some zen state, but my wife and I try to keep our phones outside our bedroom at night so that they’re not the last thing we see before we go to sleep and the first thing we see when we wake up.
It’s also a wise move to turn off your screens and think about yourself, your life, and your priorities. Screens are a great distraction, but they don’t help you.
While “raw dogs” on airplanes are nothing new (and thankfully have nothing to do with dogs…), it would be nice to see the practice catch on.
Would you eat raw dogs on an airplane?