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Ride Apartment
July 16, 2024 in 7:06 AM EST
2 min read
Once upon a time, sporty ATVs roared through the countryside. They roared, stomped through dirt and mud, and sent so many people to the hospital that nearly every emergency room had a sport ATV ward. ATVs were pure fun for the psychopaths.
But then, in an instant, everything except Yamaha disappeared from the face of the earth. They were the last of the Yamaha clan.
But it looks like CFMoto is hoping to revive the category and bring sport ATVs back to glory with its own Jurassic Park-esque clone program — or at least, that’s what it looks like based on this recently filed patent. Ride Apartment found.
Let’s take a look.
The patent, dated June 27th of this year, is labeled a “straddle type vehicle” and gives the ATV’s rough dimensions. But unlike most ATVs currently on the market, and unlike CFMoto’s other ATVs, this is no ordinary utility vehicle. In fact, the vehicle bears no resemblance to CFMoto’s other products, or to recent releases from manufacturers like Can-Am, Kawasaki, Polaris, Suzuki and Honda.
It looks similar to the Yamaha Raptor and the classic Banshee.
The basic layout detailed in the patent is an ATV with no body cladding. It has an exposed frame, brush guards on the handlebars, exposed suspension, a single seat and four wheels. That’s it. But what’s interesting is that the front end of the ATV is exposed. The radiator is forward and visible for all to see.
Now, we haven’t seen this kind of design in a while, and I feel like we’re missing the big picture here, since the radiator needs to be protected from the elements and dirt and gravel. I expect body cladding will be coming, but based on the footprint in the patent sketch, I still think we’re looking at a sport ATV.
Other than the photo, there isn’t much more information about the patent other than CFMoto mentioning that the quad bike will be powered by a single-cylinder engine, but if CFMoto can pull this off, it could help Yamaha keep the sport ATV breed alive for years to come.
I wish you success.
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