California, Maryland – Jugging, a form of theft that includes robbery, has recently emerged as a concerning crime trend in Maryland. The crime occurs when a suspect tails a victim from a bank, ATM, check cashing service, or other financial institution. It is considered a crime of opportunity because targets are chosen based on visible clues such as cash on hand, bank envelopes, or cash bags.
Victims of juggling have been approached, threatened with violence or assaulted while suspects demand cash or violently take money bags. Authorities are urging the public to be vigilant and take precautions to avoid becoming a victim of this crime.
Here are some tips to help you identify and avoid being a victim of hugging:
- Be aware of your surroundings, for example, suspicious people or vehicles near the location.
- Log suspicious activity as above
- Agencies remain vigilant
- Limit large cash transactions and use checks
- Change your routine, i.e. the time and place of your banking activities.
- Hide valuables (e.g. in the trunk of your car)
- Use drive-thru services to reduce risk
- Be careful at ATMs: don’t count or show your cash.
- Be careful with your cash, meaning put it away immediately
- If you are being followed, go to a crowded, well-lit area and contact police.
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