Some fresh, frozen, and canned non-organic fruits and vegetables are contaminated with worrying levels of pesticides, according to a study by Consumer Reports, a nonprofit consumer advocacy group that provides product reviews and ratings to its subscribers. ing.
Some of the highest levels of pesticides were found in agricultural products imported into the United States, according to a report released Thursday. Of the 100 most contaminated agricultural samples, 65 were imported, 52 of which were from Mexico.
The report said most of the highly contaminated imports were strawberries, usually frozen varieties. Because strawberries grow low to the ground, they are susceptible to insect infestation, so they are often at the top of the list of foods contaminated with pesticides.
Imported and domestically produced kidney beans also showed high levels in pesticide tests, even in samples labeled as organic, making them “the only organic food found to contain significant levels of pesticides,” Consumer Reports said. said James Rogers, Director of Food Safety Investigations and Inspection.
Almost all green beans tested were contaminated with acephate, an organophosphate pesticide considered a “possible human carcinogen.” The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency banned the chemical from being used on mung beans in 2011.
The Food Industry Association, which supports all aspects of the industry, told CNN: “All pesticides go through an extensive review process by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure they are safe for human consumption and are approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which is the maximum residue limit allowed on or in food. We are establishing a range.”
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is responsible for “monitoring and enforcing EPA’s tolerance limits for pesticides in food, including foods imported into the United States,” said the association’s chief scientific officer and senior vice president for food and product safety. said Hilary Tesmer in an email.
The Food and Agriculture Alliance, which represents organic and conventional farmers, told CNN in an email: “Farmers should remember that their first consumers are their own families, so safety is always a top priority. is important,” he told CNN.
“Decades of government data proving the safety of fruits and vegetables, as well as nutritional research, show the immense health benefits of consuming conventionally grown fruits and vegetables,” the organization said. “The benefits have been confirmed.”
The top culprit on the Consumer Reports list has been the Dirty Dozen, an environmental and health advocacy group published every year since the Environmental Working Group (EWG) produced its annual report. ” list, as well as other lists of agricultural products high in pesticides. 2004.
Popular items such as blueberries, strawberries, peppers, potatoes, green beans, kale, and mustard greens are top culprits on both EWG and Consumer Reports lists, while Consumer Reports says watermelon It was pointed out that it contained oxamyl.
According to the EPA, oxamyl, which has also been detected in bell peppers, is a type of carbamate, a type of pesticide that can affect the function of the nervous system. Carbamates were developed to replace older and problematic chemicals such as organophosphates dating back to the 1850s.
One of the most frequently used compounds in the world, organophosphates are the main ingredients of nerve gases, herbicides, insecticides, and insecticides, and are also used in the production of plastics and solvents. According to the EPA, studies have linked organophosphates to reduced sperm counts, childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and “childhood neurodevelopmental disorders, including declines in IQ, perceptual reasoning, and memory.” It is said that there is
EPA considers both organophosphates and carbamates to be a top priority for review under the Food Quality Protection Act.
Studies have also linked pesticides as a group to increased preterm births, congenital malformations such as neural tube defects, spontaneous abortions, and genetic damage in humans. Exposure to pesticides has also been linked to heart disease, cancer, and other disorders.
Critics point to EPA’s lack of action as the primary reason for pesticides is often found despite growing scientific evidence that even low levels can be harmful. There is.
“EPA certainly could be doing a better job of setting more accurate safety limits based on the latest science,” said Alexis Temkin, senior toxicologist at EWG. “Some of these pesticides require immediate and rapid action by EPA to more strongly consider these potential health risks.”
Consumer Reports’ Rogers agrees: “We do not believe that the EPA-agreed safe levels for certain pesticides protect our health. Levels are also not updated very often; they are often set-and-forget.” Thing.
“That’s why you see the state of California, for example, setting more health protection levels than the federal government. “Because we’re setting limits much lower than the agency,” Rogers added.
It’s not all bad news, according to a report that analyzed seven years of testing data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for 59 common fruits and vegetables.
Rogers said only 20% of the produce inspected by the USDA contained a “significant risk” from the specific pesticides that Consumer Reports is most concerned about.
“This is a long-term, chronic exposure problem, and we want consumers to know how to reduce their risk,” Rogers said. “That’s why we provide a table listing how much of each vegetable and fruit is safe to eat each day.”
This table lists produce by pesticide concern, with the lowest level listed as “safe to eat more than 10 servings a day.” For example, the report gives him the green light to eat one-third of a cup of applesauce more than 10 times a day.
Highly contaminated foods are labeled as “safe to eat up to 1/2 serving per day.” For example, potatoes and blueberries are listed as highly contaminated.
But the Consumer Reports study didn’t take into account other concerns, such as heavy metal contamination and potentially less toxic combinations of pesticides, said Bright Futures’ research director for Healthy Babies. Jane Houlihan said. an alliance of nonprofits, scientists, and donors; The organization has a stated mission to reduce infants’ exposure to neurotoxic chemicals.
Hleb Usovic/iStockphoto/Getty Images
Strawberries often top the list of foods contaminated with pesticides.
“Any advice that says it’s safe to eat should be taken with a grain of salt,” Houlihan says. “There may be an increased risk from mixtures in produce.”
For example, children who eat the same green-light foods every day or every meal may be repeatedly ingesting the same pesticides and other common food contaminants, she said.
“Pesticides that are currently considered safe may be found to be harmful in future research,” Houlihan said. “And the recent tragedy in which children were poisoned by lead contamination in applesauce shows that even the foods we think of as the healthiest can contain hidden risks. Masu.”
Three brands of applesauce marketed to children were pulled from the market in November after they were found to contain high levels of lead and chromium. According to the EPA, there is no safe level of lead.
By eating a “rainbow” of colorful foods, your family can reap the benefits of the micronutrients each contains, while offering a wide variety of fruits and vegetables can help reduce levels of certain pollutants. Experts suggest it can.
Exposure to a variety of pesticide-free foods is especially important during pregnancy and throughout childhood, experts say. Developing children require a combination of nutrients, but are also less susceptible to pesticides.
“Exposure to pesticides during pregnancy may lead to an increased risk of birth defects, low birth weight, and fetal death,” notes the American Academy of Pediatrics. “Childhood exposure is associated not only with cancer but also with attention and learning problems.”
According to the National Pesticide Information Center, washing fruits and vegetables before eating can reduce pesticide levels, but “no method of washing produce is 100% effective at removing all pesticide residues.”
The center’s website recommends starting with clean hands, washing produce under running water and rubbing rather than soaking to maximize pesticide removal.
Do not use soaps, detergents, or commercial produce cleaners. However, the FDA says it has not been proven to be any more effective. Dry the produce with a clean cloth or paper towel to further reduce any bacteria that may be present.
If you’re trying to avoid some of the more contaminated produce from your report, switch to organic versions if possible. EWG’s Temkin says organic foods aren’t necessarily more nutritious, but most have little or no pesticide residue.
“When a person switches to an organic diet, pesticide levels in the urine decrease rapidly,” she told CNN in an earlier interview. “We see it over and over again.”