Hundreds of people were evacuated as crews responded to multiple structure fires on Main Street in Plymouth on Saturday night. Crews responded to 41-45 Main Street, where Downtown Pizza and the former Peppercorn Natural Food Store were engulfed in flames, Plymouth Fire officials said. Common Man officials said 450 guests, employees and musicians were evacuated from the Flying Monkey after a fire broke out next door during a show Saturday night. After entering the building, officials said no one was left behind inside the building. >> Watch live video from the scene: VIDEO: Watch the intensity of the flames as crews battle the fire VIDEO: Firefighters battle the fire at the scene VIDEO: Fire breaks out in building near Flying Monkey Plymouth video: Fire scene on Plymouth’s Main Street “Everyone exited the building in an orderly manner,” said Maureen Clark, who was at the show. “When we left the south side of The Flying Monkey, people were saying, ‘Look, the roof is on fire,’ and it looked like it was, but it was actually in an old movie theater. It was a building that was connected to the north side, which is believed to be the source of the actual fire. >> Download his free WMUR app and stay up to date on the go: Apple | Google Play<当局は、プリマスの消防士1名が肩の負傷で近くの病院に送られたが、その後解放されたと発表した。「全員が無事に助かったことに感謝するとともに、プリマス消防署と周辺地域の隊員の素早い対応にも感謝している」 「コモン・マン・ファミリーは声明でこう述べた。コモン・マンの関係者らは、フライング・モンキーがどの程度被害を受けたのかは分からず、消防当局からの連絡を待っていると述べた。」ソーシャルメディア上で溢れんばかりの支援が寄せられているのを目にしている。そして、私たちの愛する会場、スタッフ、ゲスト、そしてコモン・マン・ファミリーに対する心遣いと気遣いに感謝しています」とコモン・マン・ファミリーは声明で述べた。 >> Watch live video of massive blaze: Officials announce cause of fire is under investigation. >> See the reactions of those who were at The Flying Monkey when the building was vacated Saturday night.
Hundreds of people were evacuated as crews responded to multiple structure fires on Main Street in Plymouth on Saturday night.
Plymouth Fire officials said crews responded to 41-45 Main Street, where Downtown Pizza and the former Peppercorn Natural Food Store were engulfed in flames.
Common Man officials said 450 guests, employees and musicians were evacuated from the Flying Monkey after a fire broke out next door during a show Saturday night. After entering the building, authorities said no one remained inside.
>> Watch live video from the scene:
“Everyone exited the building in an orderly manner,” said Maureen Clark, who was attending the show. “When we left the south side of The Flying Monkey, people were saying, ‘Look, the roof is on fire,’ and it looked like it was, but it was actually in an old movie theater. The north side is believed to be the actual source of the fire. ”
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One Plymouth firefighter was taken to a nearby hospital with a shoulder injury, authorities said, but was later released.
“We are grateful that everyone made it to safety and would also like to thank the Plymouth Fire Department and surrounding community members for their quick response,” Common Man Family said in a statement.
Common Man officials said they did not know the extent of the damage to the Flying Monkey and were awaiting word from fire officials.
“We have received an outpouring of support on social media and are grateful for the care and concern shown to our beloved venue, staff, guests and Commonman family,” the Commonman family said in a statement. .
>> Watch the live video of the blaze:
Officials said the cause of the fire was under investigation.
>> Watch the reactions of those who were at The Flying Monkey when the building was vacated Saturday night: