The so-called Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front claimed responsibility for throwing an explosive at former judge Nilakant Ganju’s residence in Srinagar. A person claiming to be a frontline activist informed UNI that the frontline was responsible for the explosion. The caller did not give his name.
Six terrorists killed and as many injured in Ferozepur firing by CRPF jawans, an air force officer hacked to death in Amritsar district, bank robbery and failed attempt on Congress life. Ta(I) Leader of Bathinda. The incident in Ferozepur took place at a bus stop near Shaheed Udham Singh Chowk.
cross-border protests
More than 500 National Democratic Party members and supporters marched along Dhaka’s main streets in a demonstration to protest the firing of Bangladeshi security personnel by Indian forces along the India-Bangladesh border. The party held similar demonstrations demanding the removal of India’s multimillion-dollar border fence.
India supports Mexico
India shared Mexico’s concerns over the Central American crisis and strongly opposed “interference and interference” by superpowers anywhere in the world. President Zail Singh said superpowers cannot use their own security needs as a means of interfering with other countries. Mr. Singh reiterated India’s wholehearted support for the Contadora Initiative, which aims to resolve the crisis through peaceful negotiations free from outside interference.
© Indian Express Private Limited
Date first uploaded: April 24, 2024, 07:22 IST