Voice of Fashion is an online fashion and design magazine. With a completely different way of dealing with the latest fashion trends and approaching the Indian fashion industry, TVOF is his online platform to explore news, opinions, opinion pieces, press articles, photo features, narrative stories and shopping lists. A fashion magazine packed with reading content, videos, and news.
Most fashion magazines do not feature analytical articles that deeply inform readers about Indian fashion from a design and political perspective. Voice of Fashion not only in-depth interviews with Indian fashion designers through articles and videos, but also explores brand culture and essence in a variety of ways.
Voice of Fashion combines local and global fashion news, videos, and a cultural perspective on Indian online fashion, business, politics, design dilemmas, fashion weeks, top sponsors, and consumer reactions to Indian fashion. Provides a panoramic view. And the designers.
Some might say we are more of a journal than a typical fashion magazine, but we are probably more than a regular fashion magazine as we uplink fresh articles on Indian fashion and beauty trends every day. There will be something like that. A democratized platform that doesn’t require advertisers to plug in or sell space, The Voice of Fashion uses news and buzz to decode the culture where fashion intersects with books, movies, literature, music and art. This is an Indian magazine with depth and nuance.