Kareena Kapoor and Shah Rukh Khan starrer ‘Ahsoka’ suddenly surfaced in the news and now Kareena’s iconic make-up is in the news. Here’s how it’s now the latest beauty trend.
kareena kapoor khan is an OG diva who has forever ruled the fashion streets with her sense of style and authenticity. Her iconic character holds a special place in everyone’s heart. Now, the fashion choices she’s made over the course of nearly two decades are suddenly catching up to her. Recall her iconic number ‘San Sannanan’ from the 2011 film ‘Asoka’. shah rukh khanIf you’re on social media, you definitely know where this is going.? The viral trend on TikTok has caught on, with international beauty influencers recreating Kareena’s look from the song and creating transition reels.
The look basically features geometric patterns on the skin. The iconic bindi style, eyeliner is the main focus of the trend.
ASOKA Makeup Trend – Watch
The Bollywood hit ‘Asoka’ is set in the fictional backdrop of the Mauryan Empire, where the kindly Asoka becomes emperor. These period dramas feature unique costumes and make-up that allow the characters to express a particular era.
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One beauty content creator said she spent nearly 8.5 hours implementing Reels.
Inida’s Jharna Bhagwani has made a very smooth transition for the same.
Within days, the #asokamakeup trend spread from Russia to the United States, garnering millions of views and likes on Instagram and TikTok.
Social media continues to spawn quirky and fun viral trends like this. And this time also suddenly elevated the artistic value of Indian cinema to an international level.
Published: April 27, 2024 9:31 PM IST
Updated: April 27, 2024 9:31 PM IST