“Rage rituals” are the latest wellness trend among women on TikTok.
A new trend of women paying big bucks to go into the woods and destroy things is gaining attention online, with health experts calling it an “outrage ritual.” Some high-end wellness retreats now include stress-relief ceremonies where participants scream and bang large sticks on the forest floor. Because the forest is far from residential areas, participants are free to embody their anger.
Mia Magic, the self-proclaimed “Spiritual Fairy Godmother”, has been leading anger rituals in Scotland for many years. She started them for herself and her friends, and then she added them as an option for health retreats. These multi-day excursions typically include a variety of activities and cost between her $2,000 and her $4,000. However, we are told that her one-day option is included for $222 per ticket. USA Today.
During the Rage Ritual, the magician guides participants to sit with their deepest emotions, warming up and taking deep breaths. She typically calls out “everyone who has ever crossed you, hurt you, ignored your boundaries, taken advantage of you, or mistreated you in any way.” instruct you to do so.
“When people give themselves permission to do this and release their anger, it actually increases their tolerance for joy,” Magic (real name Mia Banducci) told the magazine. “They feel more happiness and joy, and return home to their families with more gratitude, ease, and peace.”
The ritual has struck a chord with women on social media, with many commenting in the viral video about how venting your anger can be a relief, especially in a society that frowns upon women harboring their ugliest emotions. Commented below.
“Why did I have an immediate visceral reaction and start crying?” one woman wrote.
“I literally cried when I saw this…I need this,” said another.
“As a middle-aged woman who is getting even more angry, I need this!!” someone else commented.
Reflecting on the positive response to her video, Banducci said it was no surprise that her anger ritual resonated with so many women.
“Like, ‘Don’t be abusive,’ don’t get angry, don’t be aggressive, don’t stand up for yourself. Don’t protect your integrity. Don’t touch your body, don’t treat you in a certain way. “Please do not tell anyone that you do not consent to them speaking to you,” she explained. “There are certain emotions that are acceptable within the gender binary and that each of us need to feel. Men need to cry, and it’s very healthy for men to cry, but women need to be able to get angry. there is.”
Banducci isn’t the only one hosting rage ceremonies; wellness group Secret Sanctuary is also planning a Sacred Rage Ceremony in July in Alberta, Canada. Author and mystic Jessica Ricchetti is also reportedly hosting a “Secret Rage” retreat for women in North Carolina in June.
Experts say anger rituals likely won’t work for everyone. Some people may be better able to get rid of their anger by using active strategies such as high-intensity training, while others may be better served by gentler activities such as a sound bath.
Primordial cry therapy, an important aspect of anger rituals, was developed in the 1970s by psychologist Arthur Yanoff to release repressed trauma and was used by people like power couple John Lennon and Yoko Ono. It was well received by the people.
Despite being condemned by mainstream psychology, trend Spiritual masters like Rachel Pringle, Tantra teacher and founder of the spiritual workshop Wild Women, have found that physical expressions of anger, such as primal cries, can be therapeutic. It is written. It is a gateway to joy, power, and creativity. ”