Allot (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Monday launched a scathing attack on the Congress, branding it anti-Ram, accusing its leaders of obstructing the construction of a Lord Ram temple for years, and calling the opposition party a metaphor for the Mahabharata character Shishupal. I compared it to
He was speaking in support of Bharatiya Janata Party candidate Anil Firozia at a Nukkad rally after a roadshow in Tal. Drawing parallels with Hindu mythology, Yadav compared the Congress to Shishupal, who met his end at the lotus feet of Lord Krishna.
The anticipation among the BJP workers was palpable as they waited for the CM to arrive at the helipad on Negrun Road, even though it was three hours later than the scheduled time.
Yadav embarked on the journey in a chariot and the roadshow started from the Old City Council Building and passed through Maharana Pratap, Neem Chowk and Habilder Chowk before reaching Allot Naka.
People across the road were chanting slogans in support of the Bharatiya Janata Party. The CM greeted his supporters with folded hands and appealed to them to exercise their right to vote to maximize voter turnout. During this time, the guest teachers handed over a memorandum to the CM seeking regularization of their salaries.
The CM praised the dedication of Bharatiya Janata Party workers and compared them to “24 carat gold”. He praised their tireless efforts under the scorching sun and attributed the electoral success of the BJP to their untiring dedication.
“After Lord Mahakal and Lord Ram, Lord Krishna will now invite his cow devotees to Mathura,” he said. His comments came ahead of a legal battle over disputed shrines in Kashi and Mathura.
The event was attended by BJP Lok Sabha candidate Anil Firojiya, Alot MLA Chintamani Malviya, Tharu Municipal Council president Mukesh Parmar, among others, besides a large number of BJP supporters.
Published on: Monday, May 6, 2024, 10:15 PM IST