Aurora Public Schools has hosted a sports camp for wheelchair athletes for more than 40 years, and organizers say the camps give Colorado students a chance to get active and build friendships.
Mark Deschamps, head counselor at Colorado Junior Wheelchair Sports Camp, was born with spina bifida and has used a wheelchair his whole life. He’s been attending the camp for 41 years and now coaches the kids.
“We’re introducing kids to a variety of sports,” Deschamps explained, “sports that they can relate to and develop a lifelong passion for.”
In addition to learning how to play a sport, Deschamps said the friendships made at the camp are what make it special.
“I have friends that I met at camp that I’m still friends with today. I’m 47 years old,” Deschamps said. “Meeting other kids with the same abilities helps them come out of their shell.”
Deschamps has been a role model for the 60+ participants and it is exciting to see their confidence grow every day.
“I don’t want to inspire people, I just want to say, ‘You can do it,'” Deschamps said. “People I know have lived long lives and stayed active their whole lives, and that’s what’s most important to me.”
Denver7 encourages all youth sports teams to get involved in their local communities. To be featured in Denver7 Good Sports, please contact Lionel Bienvenu, Denver7 Sports Director.