Lok Sabha Election 2024 News Live Updates: A day after the Trinamool Congress (TMC) accused a female contract worker in the Raj Bhawan of sexual harassment against West Bengal Governor CV Ananda Bose, CM Mamata Banerjee slammed the ruling BJP and said the party would not take action on the issue. He said that the focus should be on Before we talk about Sandesh Hari. “My heart aches for the woman who was sexually abused in Raj Bhawan. It’s unfortunate,” she said at an election rally in the state.
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Rahul Gandhi, in the presence of Mallikarjun Kharge and Sonia Gandhi in Uttar Pradesh, hours before the deadline for filling nomination forms from Rae Bareli and Amethi seats. submitted a nomination from After weeks of suspense, the Congress announced that Rahul Gandhi and Kishori Lal Sharma will contest from the traditional Nehru-Gandhi Rae Bareli and Amethi seats respectively. The BJP has announced Dinesh Pratap Singh as its candidate from Rae Bareli. These seats will go to the fifth stage of voting on May 20th.
On Thursday, Prime Minister Modi attacked Congress, calling it a “murid (disciple) of Pakistan”. He added: “Parliament is dying here and Pakistan is crying there…Pakistan doesn’t want a weak government in India like the one that existed before 2014, the one that was capable of the Mumbai terror attacks. “I’m here,” he added. In Shivamogga, Rahul Gandhi raked up numerous allegations of sexual abuse against Prajwal Revanna and said, “PM Modi asked for votes for a ‘gang rapist’.”
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