JAIPUR: Moti Ram Bir (45) on Friday posted a selfie showing an inked finger as a WhatsApp status after voting in Jaisalmer. Within minutes, congratulatory messages arrived from relatives and friends in Pakistan. He and 10 other members of his family had been granted Indian citizenship by the district collector of Jaisalmer just 40 days earlier. The Beers, who are from Sanghar district in Pakistan’s Sindh province, were overjoyed to be participating in their first parliamentary elections on Indian soil. A total of 11 members of this large family fled persecution by local landowners known as zamindars, and from 2009 to 2011 he migrated from Pakistan to India on three separate occasions. They all were granted Indian citizenship on March 15, 2024 under the Citizenship Act, 1955. “The last time I voted in Pakistan was in his 2008 federal election. Today, I am happy to vote for the formation of a government in Bharat, the land of my dada and pardada (ancestry),” said the parents. said a visibly delighted Mr. Beer, who traveled to India with his family. Granted Indian citizenship, five have been able to complete the necessary paperwork to become eligible to vote, while the remaining six have been granted Indian citizenship in the civic body polls scheduled for 2027. I’m looking forward to voting for the first time. Bir urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Ensure that his children born after the CAA deadline become Indian citizens as soon as possible.
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