Tamil Nadu Congress Committee seeks explanation from Prime Minister Narendra Modi on hate speech, curbs false and derogatory statements and urges Election Commission of India to take steps to curb further misleading statements The case was transferred to the Madras High Court for directions. Derogatory remarks about the parliamentary election manifesto.
The petition, filed through the commission’s chairman K. Selvaperunthagai, alleges that the Bharatiya Janata Party is indulging in a divisive campaign of Hindu nationalism in fear of defeat in the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections. claims.
The petition quotes Prime Minister Modi’s recent speeches and says that the Prime Minister’s speeches were full of fabrications and abuses aimed at discrediting the Congress party’s manifesto and its credibility without a shred of truth. .
The petition also states that this speech targeting a section of the minority is not only disrespectful but also shameful and dangerous as it inflames communal tensions and causes division among the people. .
The petition added that the prime minister, who is expected to uphold the dignity of all citizens, is violating his oath of office by making such statements. The petition adds that such statements are extremely worrying and set a dangerous precedent.
The petition said that despite numerous complaints, the Election Commission only sent a show cause notice and such leniency shown by the ECI sends a wrong signal to the public and undermines the entire electoral process. claims.
Prayers have therefore been sought directing the ECI to issue a notice to Mr. Modi and seek an explanation regarding his recent speech. The petition also seeks to curb Prime Minister Modi’s false and derogatory statements and social rhetoric resulting in him making further misleading and derogatory statements on the Congress election manifesto and discrediting the Indian National Congress. It calls for decisive action to curb harm and ensure a level playing field for the Indian National Congress. All political parties should conduct election campaigns in a free and fair manner.