Recently, Shaan took to the streets of Mumbai to spread awareness about the importance of voting in the upcoming Sabah elections. The singer wanted to encourage the people of her own constituency, Bandra and Khar, to vote for her. He tells us: “As a true Bandrite faction, I feel it is a huge stain on our reputation that voter turnout is consistently this low. It was only 53% in the 2019 Sabah elections. We need to change it for the better. This was enough motivation for me to take to the streets of my constituency (Bandra and Khar West) to spread awareness about the importance of voting.”
■The singer was attending a gathering attended by people of various ages. “It was organized by the Uttar Madhya Lok Sabha Madan Sangh, Mumbai, a non-political organization that is part of the Election Commission of India.The rally was also accompanied by other citizens and students. We held placards and chanted slogans like ‘Aapka madaan, loktantra ki jaan’. We reiterated that the voting date is her May 20th. I hope this message reaches enough people to make a difference,” says Shaan.
The singer added that his drive to encourage people to vote comes from his family culture, where he was instilled with the importance of voting from childhood. he says: “Election Day has always been special in my house. I don’t think I’ve missed an election so far. I don’t know what kind of impact my efforts will have, but I hope people who speak out It’s important to reach out to social causes like this.”
When asked if he would like to go into politics, the singer replied: “I want to go into politics. I don’t want to belong to any political party. ”