Voting for the second phase of Lok Sabha elections is being held today in Hubballi, Karnataka. Meanwhile, bar owners in Hubbari planned innovations to increase voter turnout. Those who present their voting ID will receive a special discount on alcoholic beverages. This news is currently attracting everyone’s attention. Let’s take a look.
According to reports, the bar owner offered a discount of 3 per cent from the MRP. Hubbari, the owner of his wine shop in Karnataka on Kusgar Road, created this innovative recognition. According to him, building a strong India requires everyone to exercise their right to elect and send good people to Parliament. Voter turnout in the last election was also very low. So this year, he wants to make a change.
In this regard, bar owner Vinayak Akarvadi requested that no one should avoid voting. He said people buying alcohol on May 8 will be given a discount if they show their inked index finger.
However, in the last assembly elections too, voters were provided liquor at a discounted rate by Karnataka Wine Corporation.
Meanwhile, in Bengaluru, several hotels, pubs and taxi aggregators announced discounts, giveaways and free rides during voting in the second phase of Lok Sabha polls on Friday.
According to reports, there are over one billion people in Bengaluru who are eligible to vote. To take advantage of the offer, you must show your inked index finger. This is not the first time such an initiative has been announced.
Sources said Nisarga Grand Hotel on Nurpatunga Road provided free butter dosa, ghee rice and drinks to voters on polling day.
Although there were no votes on election day, Bellandur restaurant Deck of Brews also decided to give voters free beer mugs and discounts on April 27 and 28.
Another popular pub chain, Social, has also introduced special initiatives. They decided to issue a special bill with messages encouraging people to vote. The guest who brings these bills home after voting and presents his inked finger will receive his 20% discount on the meal. The proposal will remain in effect for one week after each city’s voting date, employees said.
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